Using ======================================== Help ---------------------------------------- All commands in ```` have a help function. Invoke it by running: :: -h Creating views, lists, shows and filters ---------------------------------------- ```` will create a view called foo in $PWD with empty functions in the ``map.js`` and ``reduce.js`` files:: view foo Will create a view called bar in tst-app ($PWD/_design/tst-app) with an empty function in ``map.js`` and a _sum built in reduce:: view bar --sum If you host your application on `Cloudant `_ you can use their chained map reduce by adding a file called ``dbcopy``, containing the name of the database that will store the chained view results, to the view directory, e.g. the view created above will result in ``views/bar/map.js`` and ``views/bar/reduce.js``, you need to write ``views/bar/dbcopy``. The same syntax will create lists, shows, filters, validators and update functions:: list mylist show myshow filter myfilter validation myvalidator update myupdate Multiple design doc support ---------------------------------------- ```` supports couchapps that use multiple design documents. If you just want the current directory to be your application just run ```` as:: view foo If you would like to create a view in a specific design doc, run the command as:: view foo -d tst-app Importing a vendor ---------------------------------------- Vendors can be imported into the application via:: vendor So, for example:: vendor backbone vendor backbone -d tst-app Will download and install the vendor backbone and its dependencies into the either the $PWD or into the tst-app design ($PWD/_design/tst-app). ```` uses the kanso packages, so anything that is available on should work with situp. If you want a specific version of a package you can install it with the ``--ext_version`` flag. Currently you'll get the latest version of any dependencies, so you may need to explicitly import a certain version of a dependency, too. Defining servers ---------------------------------------- ```` lets you define servers so you can interact with them by name instead of URL:: addserver -n dev -s http://localhost:5984 This creates a ``servers.json`` file in the current directory and stores the server name, url and auth token in there. **DO NOT** make your ``servers.json`` file public since people will be able to access your couch instances. Pushing to a (set of) servers ---------------------------------------- Pushing an application to a server is as simple as running:: push -s http://localhost:5984 -d databasename The -s option can be specified multiple times. If a server has been defined (see above) you can refer to it via it's short name:: push -s dev -d databasename If a server URL has a username in it (e.g. joe@localhost:5984) ```` will ask for a password. This won't be stored anywhere and will not be in the shell history. You can have your applications javascript minified by specifiying the ``-m`` option with the push command. Uploading documents (and attachments) ---------------------------------------- You might want to upload documents with ````; because you are restoring from backup or need to seed the database with some default documents. This is managed via the push command, and assumes a certain structure for your documents. Any .json file in $APP_DIRECTORY/_docs will be uploaded when the `` push`` command is executed. If you would like to attach files to those documents create a directory with the same name as the file (minus the .json extension) and put the files you want to attach in there. For example, say I had a doc called ``foo.json`` and another called ``bar.json`` and I wanted to attach an image (``unicorn.png``) to ``foo.json``, I would need to create a directory structure like: :: _docs \-------- foo.json +-------- foo \--------unicorn.png +-------- bar.json Fetching an app ---------------------------------------- You can pull a remote app into your current working directory by invoking: :: fetch This will retrieve the app and all associated data. Git hook ---------------------------------------- You can install a git post commit hook to push to your server at the same time as committing to your git repository by running:: githook